I enjoyed running in middle distance track events and road races. I achieved several distinctions in High School but I had a knee problem so I was obliged to stop.
Due to my knee sensitivity I stopped playing football as a libero, which I very much enjoyed, but I continue as a goalkeeper.
Greek Climbing Union
The Greek Climbing Union of Acharnes could fit to the sports category but I feel that this would be an oversimplified description.
I mostly profited of its summer camps which took place in Mount Pelion, Mount Dirphys in Euboea and Agrafa. There we practised in mountain climbing, rock climbing, rappelling, Tyrolean traversing, flying foxing, mountain biking, rafting, kayaking and archery.
But the actual experience was the true contact with nature, its appreciation and study. We came across all kinds of animals and plants usually met in Greece and learned to orient during daytime and night-time and estimate our abilities, eliminate our fears about nature.
We also made valuable friendships, learned to survive outdoors, and act as conscious team members.